A Joint Anniversary Law Conference organized by the Legal Studies Department of the College of Europe and the European Law Review

Celebrating the College’s 75th Anniversary and the European Law Review’s 50th anniversary, this conference will revisit classic doctrines and concepts of the European Union legal order and their role in the dynamic process of integration, from a pluralistic and forward-looking perspective. 

At a time when the EU is facing unprecedented challenges, we shall reflect on the relevance and future of the foundational ‘vertical’ doctrines (primacy, direct effect, autonomy) and the ‘horizontal’ principles (mutual recognition and mutual trust), the (limits of the) EU’s social dimension (including solidarity, non-discrimination, decolonization), and the notions of ever-closer union and liberal democracy. 

The conference will provide a forum for discussion amongst leading experts in the field, scholars, and practitioners. 
The papers presented will be published in a Special Issue of the European Law Review.

Date: Thursday afternoon 27 March & Friday morning 28 March 2025
Venue: College of Europe, Campus Verversdijk, Verversdijk 16, 8000 Bruges – Building A – AUD.1

Programme & registration

The registration fee is 25,00 euro for all external participants and includes a sandwich lunch on Friday 28 March 2025

For more information, please contact Saskia Willems – saskia.willems@coleurope.eu